Very happy to announce that I recently moved to NYC to pursue a career in theater. I have a part-time job, seeing friends, I've been auditioning like crazy, taking time for myself. Basically perusing my dreams. I'm lucky and privileged to have people support me in this new chapter. Its wonderful out here. I'm taking it day (by busy busy busy) day and couldn't be happier.
This past January I did the month-long intensive at Shakespeare and Company in Lenox, Mass. Words cannot describe my experience there. I got to work with some of the most renown artists in the field. Tori Rhodes. Susan Dibble. Tom Giordano. Tom Yager. Merry Conway. Skate. Sarah Hickler. And especially the legendary Tina Packer. I was challenged as an artist in ways I have never been before. I am a better person because of that month. I am a better actor because of that month. I am a happier person because of that month. Recently completing undergrad was a perfect stepping stone in this new chapter in my life. I got to play Macbeth. I made life long connections and friendships. My life is truly changed for the better.
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